Ben Leach

Computer Games Programming


OpenGL Voxel Engine (C++)

A Minecraft inspired, infinite terrain, multithreaded voxel engine, written in C++, using OpenGL. 

CPU Raytracer (JS)

A simple CPU raytracer running in the browser, written in JavaScript.


VR Multiplayer Drawing (C#)

A prototype for a multiplayer 3D drawing game in VR. Made with the Unity game engine.

About Me

📜I am currently a second-year computer games programming student at De Montfort University, however, my journey in computing and games development started over a decade ago.


🏆I hold the “Best First Year Student Prize in Games Maths and Intelligent Systems programmes” award.


🥾Aside from programming, I have many other interests. I enjoy the outdoors and mountain climbing. My most enjoyable climbs have been the most challenging, such as Tryfan and Crib Goch.


🎵I love going to concerts and listening to live music, I’m particularly a fan of indie rock, and I have a forever expanding vinyl record collection.

My Skills


C#               ★★★★☆

C++             ★★★☆☆

Python        ★★★☆☆

JavaScript  ★★★★☆



UNITY         ★★★★☆

UNREAL     ★★★☆☆